Sunday, April 28, 2013

Over the Continental Divide

We stayed at a really nice Hampton Inn (I'm being serious) in Craig, Colorado along with a bunch of oil workers.  There were boot scrapers outside all the entrances.  They were fracking.  I really don't know what that is, but let's move on.

There were more lonely roads on this day although, for RBK, one of the highlights of the day was a stop in Kremmling, CO for lunch at the Moose Cafe.  Reaching the continental divide, we hit an altitude of over 10,000 feet at Rabbit Ears Pass.

We cruised into Denver to hang out for a couple of days with RBK's good friend, Bob and his wife, the Mysterious Miss Kathleen, who balked when asked if a photo could be taken.  No worries.  Kathleen was a lovely hostess and it was wonderful to catch up with her as our kids had spent some time together when they were young.  She and I spent some interesting years as corporate wives.  Their marvelously well-trained Rottweiler, Stella, sat for countless hours with us while we sat by the outdoor fire pit and talked.  I have never in my life seen a dog so obedient and happy.  Kathleen and Bob followed Caesar Milan's training methods closely and as a result have a wonderful relationship with Stella.  What a great companion!

Stella the Sweetheart

Dinner at an upscale restaurant with buttonhole napkins.
Bob demonstrates the buttonhole napkin

Bob and RBK love a good cigar and Bob was gracious enough to share some really nice ones as they sat next to their fire pit well into the night and reviewed 30 years of working together.  Kathleen and I loved knowing how much fun they were having together.  Retirement is a very good thing for both of these gentlemen.

I felt a little wistful leaving Denver as I know how close Bob and RBK are and how nice is was to see Kathleen again after several years.  I hope it won't be long before they visit us at the lake.

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