Monday, April 1, 2013

Bill Marriott Sighting

Written on March 28, 2013

Enjoying his birthday at the next table, poolside at Camelback, was THE Bill Marriott.  It was an understated birthday gathering--a few parents and kids in their swimsuits, some older folks chatting.  Just your ordinary billionaire, enjoying a beautiful day in a place that he just happens to own.  I wanted so much to approach him and tell him how much I love Camelback, but I couldn't do it--it was his birthday after all and he looks incredibly old.

In his honor, I'm posting more photos of Camelback.  The staff did an incredible job making the place look spectacular for his visit.  And we've never been so warmly welcomed.  Just can't wait to return!!

Our casita.  Doesn't look like much, on the outside but they are the desert's finest accommodations, in my opinion.
True to the roots of the Sonoran desert.

The perfume of sweet alyssum is everywhere.

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