Thursday, April 11, 2013

Guest Blogger KB of Fountain Hills, Arizona

I knew the moment Anne and RBK accepted our invitation to visit us in Fountain Hills, that I would get to make my famous protein, whole-grain, good-for-you blueberry pancakes for them! As I predicted, they absolutely loved them!! And Anne told me she had to put my famous recipe in her blog. So, are you ready, folks? Here it is:

Fountain Hills Flap Jacks

1 C Aunt Jemima Whole Wheat Blend pancake mix
1/2 C quick oats
1/4 C wheat germ
1 T olive oil
1/2 carton vanilla greek yogurt (single serving)
1 egg
1 small scoop vanilla protein powder
1 C toasted pecans, chopped
1/2 t cinnamon
2 C blueberries

Mix ingredients together in order listed, except blueberries. Heat griddle to medium. Season pan with olive oil. Drop 2 tablespoons onto griddle for each pancake. Place desired amount of blueberries onto each pancake (I fill them!). Dot tops of blueberries with batter. Flip when bottom of pancake is golden and continue to cook until wonderfully perfect.

DAP and I have thoroughly enjoyed filling our condo with many treasures that we have found "picking" at the extraordinarily, jam-packed-eye-popping consignment stores throughout the Phoenix area and couldn't wait to bring the Ridgeline Pioneers to Cave Creek to experience some.

On our way to Cave Creek we discussed "cool cars." DAP, spotting a Nissan dealership, exclaimed, "Yeah, Baby!" He swerved in and pulled up to Anne's dream car: THE JUKE!!! We all agreed that the Juke is right up there holding it's own against any sports car or dune buggy out there! (I really hope Anne gets one someday soon!)

When we got to Cave Creek, we got to share our very favorite consignment store, "The Red Truck," with RBK and Anne, who exclaimed, "Look at all this great stuff!" At that moment I knew we had inducted the newest members of the "Pickers Club." "Red Truck Alley" is a diamond in the rough when it comes to aesthetic perfection for the senses, as you can see by the picture showing Anne, DAP and an anonymous photo bomb figure (note the skinny-legged man in the green shirt).

So, Blog Buddies, I hyperventilate as I anticipate presenting the million dollar view of Fountain Hills' spectacular Alchemy restaurant in just a few hours.....

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