Friday, April 12, 2013

Jean and the Fab Views

Enjoyed dinner, the million dollar views and some words of wisdom from our waiter, Jean, from Corsica. Here are some excerpts.

Me: "Would you recommend the salmon lightly grilled or well-done?"
Jean: "Go with ze meedle. Eez oleways safair in zee meedle.  Ze chefs are lazy."

Jean: "Why wooed anyone use a gun to keel himself? You can do eet in a much more delicious way with bottercream. Death by bottercream eez best."

Jean: Ze author of "50 Shades of Gray" does not know about champagne. Everybody wants zees $200 champagne. Eez really, really awful!

Jean: Do NOT ordair zee sorbet. Eez an abomination.

Salmon, done "in the middle" to perfection

KB did not exaggerate:  the views were, indeed, amazing, as was the food and service (putting aside the strange subjects discussed with said waiter).

Bonus:  A good hair day
RBK and DAP take in the views

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